Preparing, Making, and Distributing 'Historical Shock - Record of Tiananmen Incident' (March 2007-June 2009)

"Historical Shock - Record of Tiananmen Incident"—A Memoir of the Tiananmen Incident is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the "June 4th" incident. It was jointly produced by the Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang Memorial Foundation, the Center for Contemporary China Studies, the China Development Foundation, and Civic Power. On May 24, 2009, the premiere press conference was held in Flushing, New York. Chief planner Chen Yizi and producer Wang Juntao said that the film encountered many obstacles during the production process, but it was still released before June 4th Anniversary and received strong support from people in China. Due to funding and copyright issues, only a compressed version can be released at present.