/ What we have done to commemorate them?

Published "China at the Crossroads of Challenges and Direction" (2023)

In May 2023, " China at the Crossroads of Challenges and Direction" edited by Zhang Amei and Deng Yuwen of the Hu Zhao Foundation, with the preface written by Professor Andrew Nathan, published by Borden House Press. The book mainly collects the papers of the "Seminar on China's Prospects after the 20th CCP National Congress...

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Peace or War? Seminar on Outlook and Analysis of the World's Future Political and Economic Situation (2023)

On February 23, 2023, the Thinkers Club of New York, the International Alliance of Strategists, the Hu Zhao Foundation and the editorial department of Contemporary China Review jointly held a seminar on "Peace or War?" in the United Nations conference room.

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International Symposium on Prospects of China after the 20th CCP National Congress (2022)

From September 24th to 25th, 2022, the Hu Zhao Foundation, the New York Thinkers Club, the Academic Department of the China Democracy Party National Committee, Beijing Spring and the China Democracy League, co-organized International Symposium on Prospects of Post-20th Party Congress at the Sheraton Hotel in Flushing, New York, USA...

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"The Review the History of CCP," Statement issued by the Hu Zhao Foundation (2021)

On June 24, 2021, the Hu Zhao Foundation issued a statement, in which, the CCP history for the last 100 years has been reviewed, including the right and wrong things that the party did.  The Hu Zhao Foundation suggested that “the CCP should stop evil to build a republic."

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Symposium Commemorating Hu Yaobang's Death and the 30th Anniversary of the 1989 Democracy Movement (2019)

On April 14, 2019, the "Commemoration of Hu Yaobang's Death and the 1989 Democracy Movement, The 30th Anniversary International Symposium" was held in Flushing, New York. Mr. Yan Jiaqi, former director of the Institute of Political Science, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave a speech on launching the second New Culture Movement.

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Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up (2018)

On December 18, 2018, the Hu Zhao Foundation issued a statement commemorating the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up.  The statement points out that the reform and opening up in the past 40 years is the call and demand of the people, which was promoted by enlightened Communist...

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"Whose Rules? ——Looking forward to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" New York International Symposium (2017)

On September 30 and October 1, 2017, the Hu Zhao Foundation held an international seminar at Columbia University and the Sheraton Hotel in New York to discuss the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China...

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Symposium to Commemorate the 26th Anniversary of Hu Yaobang's Death (2015)

On April 15, 2015, the 26th anniversary of Hu Yaobang's death, the Hu Zhao Foundation, the New York Forum, the National Committee of the China Democracy Party, Beijing Spring and other organizations held a seminar in Flushing, New York.  Some participants believed that the background of commemorating Hu Yaobang was that Xi Jinping promoted new totalitarianism, which led to a high degree of division...

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Symposium in Commemoration of Zhao Ziyang (2015)

January 17, 2015 is the 10th anniversary of the death of former CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang. In New York, the "Seminar on the Emancipation of Thought and the Spirit of Hu and Zhao in the 1980s" was co-hosted by the Hu Zhao Foundation, the National Committee of China Democracy Party...

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Chen Yizi Passed Away, and the Farewell Ceremony was Held in the United States (2014)

The founder and first president of the Hu Zhao Foundation, former director of the China Economic System Reform Research Institute, and an important promoter of China's political reform, Chen Yizi passed away on April 14, 2014 in Los Angeles, US, at age of 73. The farewell ceremony for the remains was held on April 21 at Century China Funeral Home in Los Angeles. The ceremony was presided over by Dr. Hong Zhaohui...

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Symposium on "Memoirs of Chen Yizi" (2013)

On October 13, 2013, the Hu Zhao Foundation, the Center for Contemporary China Studies, and "Beijing Spring" magazine held a symposium on "Chen Yizi's Memoirs" in Flushing, New York. The memoir written by Chen Yizi was published by New Century Publishing House in Hong Kong in May 2013.

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Cao Siyuan Lecture "China's Road to Constitutionalism" (2013)

In January 2013, the Hu Zhao Foundation invited jurist Cao Siyuan to give a speech in Flushing, New York, entitled "The Road to Constitutionalism in China". In his speech, he mentioned some thoughts on constitutional amendment and in his view that the word and concept of "dictatorship" should be deleted from the constitution. He said that as long as there is still "dictatorship" in the constitution...

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Published Deadlock, Breaking and China's Democratic Transformation (2013)

The book was edited by Zhang Boshu, director of the Hu Zhao Foundation and visiting professor of Columbia University, and published by Hong Kong Chenzhong Bookstore in February 2013.  Deadlock, Breaking and China's Democratic Transformation mainly includes the papers of the conference of Hu Zhao Spirit and China's Constitutional Transformation, which is divided into two parts...

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International Symposium on Hu Zhao Spirit and China's Constitutional Transformation (2012)

The Hu Zhao Foundation held the "International Symposium on Hu Yaobang's Spirit and China's Constitutional Transformation" from October 4th to 6th, 2012. The meeting discussed the problems China faces before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the possibilities and challenges that democratic transition moves to...

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Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang Symposium on the Centennial Commemoration of the Revolution of 1911 (2011)

On April 30, 2011, the Hu Zhao Foundation held the "Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang Symposium on the Centennial Commemoration of the 1911 Revolution" in Philadelphia, USA. Nearly 40 experts, professors and scholars from all over the world attend the conference.

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Preparing, Making, and Distributing 'Historical Shock - Record of Tiananmen Incident' (March 2007-June 2009)

"The Shock of History"—A Memoir of the Tiananmen Incident is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the "June 4th" incident. It was jointly produced by the Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang Memorial Foundation, the Center for Contemporary China Studies, the China Development Foundation, and Civic Power. On May 24, 2009, the premiere press conference was held in Flushing, New York. Chief planner Chen Yizi...

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Hu Yaobang Zhao Ziyang Memorial Foundation established in New York (2006)

on January 15, 2006, Hu Yaobang Zhao Ziyang Memorial Foundation was initiated in Flushing, New York by 15 celebrities including Su Shaozhi, Qiu Hongda, Chen Yizi and others.  The foundation is a non-political, non-profit humanitarian, charitable, research and educational...

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