International Symposium on Hu Zhao Spirit and China's Constitutional Transformation (2012)

The Hu Zhao Foundation held the "International Symposium on Hu Yaobang's Spirit and China's Constitutional Transformation" from October 4th to 6th, 2012. The meeting discussed the problems China faces before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the possibilities and challenges that democratic transition moves to.

This academic seminar has received many congratulatory messages, including Mr. Bao Tong, the political secretary of the former General Secretary Zhao Ziyang and the secretary of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee; Mr. Xu Liangying, a famous scientist and winner of the Sakharov Prize of the American Physical Society.

The representatives invited to participate in this seminar included Mr. Chen Yizi, the honorary president of the Huzhao Foundation, Mr. Li Jinjin, the current president of the Hu Zhao Foundation, Mr. Xiong Yuanjian, the vice president, Mr. Yan Jiaqi, a famous political scholar, Mr. Wang Juntao, a doctor of political science, Mr. Yang Liyu, a professor of political science, Andrew Nathan, a professor of Columbia University, Mr. Perry Link, a professor of Princeton University, Chen Yan, a French scholar, Zeng Jianyuan, a Taiwanese scholar and others.