Symposium Commemorating Hu Yaobang's Death and the 30th Anniversary of the 1989 Democracy Movement (2019)

On April 14, 2019, the "Commemoration of Hu Yaobang's Death and the 1989 Democracy Movement, the 30th Anniversary International Symposium" was held in Flushing, New York. President Li Jinjin introduced the 1989 democracy movement and the June 4th Tiananmen Square massacre, and paid tribute to the deceased former president and chairman Mr. Chen Yizi.  Experts and scholars who are familiar with the historical process after the June 4th reviewed the conditions, causes and dynamic mechanism of this historical event, looking forward to the future prospects of China's political, economic, social and cultural development, and calling on people in China and all over the world not to forget this historical event.

Mr. Yan Jiaqi, a renowned scholar, former president of "Tiananmen Democracy University" and former director of the Institute of Political Science at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave a speech on launching the second New Culture Movement. Subsequently, Hu Ping, Zhang Boshu, Zheng Xuguang, Zhang Gang, Wei Bizhou and others delivered speeches.