International Symposium on Prospects of China after the 20th CCP National Congress (2022)

From September 24th to 25th, 2022, the Hu Zhao Foundation, the New York Thinkers Club, the Academic Department of the China Democracy Party National Committee, Beijing Spring and the China Democracy League, co-organized International Symposium on Prospects of Post-20th Party Congress at the Sheraton Hotel in Flushing, New York, USA.

Zhang Amei, President of the Hu Zhao Foundation, and the special advisor of the conference, Professor Andrew Nathan from Columbia University, delivered opening speeches respectively. More than 40 scholars from the United States, France, Australia and China attended the conference or provided online speeches. The speeches are divided into four parts: 1) The line of the 20th National Congress and the judgment of the current situation in China, 2) The changes from authoritarianism to totalitarianism, 3) The repositioning of the United States, Europe and China under the international competition pattern and 4) Sino-US-Taiwan relations, hosted by Rong Wei, Deng Yuwen, Liu Yawei and Yu Dahai respectively.